24 Product Brochure Design Examples to Get Inspired
There are endless ways in which you could attract the attention of the masses as a business. The real question isn’t how you will do it - but how you will execute it. There are folks out there who will constantly try to reinvent the system and find a new way to draw people in, especially when it comes to graphic design. Sometimes, though, the best idea is the one that’s right in front of you.
Personally, we’ve got a real soft spot for a great brochure. The standard definition indicates that it’s little more than a small book or magazine that gives you information about a service or product. In our book, though, it’s much more than that (pun not intended). A good brochure can make you think, but a great one can change the trajectory of your path.
That’s because there’s an art behind finding the right form of communication. Sometimes, people don’t want to be inundated with flashy advertisements and billboards. They want to go back to basics, and they want to do so in peace.
Today, our mission statement here at Hatchly is simple: show off some fun, interesting brochure designs that’ll really get you thinking about what’s out there and get you thinking about what’s really possible in this market.
Different types of brochures
When you really peel back the curtain, it becomes evident that there are many different types of brochures out there for everyone to consume. Whether you’re trying to create one, read one or just learn more about them, there are options everywhere you turn. Before we get on to some of the examples in question, we will run through the two big types of brochures you often see on the market.
Digital brochures
In the modern age, just about everything runs through the internet in some form or another. Whether it be business or pleasure, you’re probably going to see it on a screen sooner rather than later. With brochures, despite often being a physical product, we’re gradually seeing more and more eBooks come to the forefront, which essentially serves as the default ‘digital brochure’.
You’ll see a lot of B2B and B2C brands utilising this function to drive their point home to their target audience, and most of the time, they’ll be opting into it due to the interactive nature of the operation. It’s about creating something that resonates with all ages, and when you can broadcast it from just about anywhere, that’s always going to be seen as a bonus.
You’re able to make real-time updates instead of having to get an entirely new finished product printed off, you can get ready-made templates, it’s easy to customise, and you can share it across social media platforms with relative ease. With that kind of flexibility and adaptability, it’s not hard to understand why this is such a popular choice.
Print brochures
Ah, the good old-fashioned print brochure. This is the format many think of when they actually hear the word being used, and understandably so. From a young age, if you’ve been handed a brochure, it often makes for an easy read. It’s a unique way of laying out information, it gets to the point, and it isn’t going to take up too much of your day to get through it.
Different companies will use them in different ways. They could go for landscape or portrait depending on how immediate they want their impact to be; they could make it A4 or A5 depending on how much they’ve got to say, and it can be stapled, glued or even wire bound. There are no real limitations, which is great news in a society that’s always looking to move on to the next big thing.
Sure, some would say this line of thinking has been left behind, but we’d push back against that. It’s going to sound like an ancient ideology to the younger generation, but human interaction is an important part of life (shocking, we know). Brochures may not seem like a big piece of the puzzle, but when you’re trying to ‘wow’ the crowd, it can be beneficial to take a step back and think of this as a solid answer that’s right there for the taking.
24 of the best brochure design examples
As we’ve alluded to, the actual volume of brochure designs is vast. There are new concepts and ideas being formulated as we speak, highlighting the continued growth of the graphic design industry. With that being said, we thought it’d be fun to run down a selection of brochures we picked out as examples to help you get inspired.
Source: William Griffiths’ Dribbble collection
1. Architecture portfolio

There can be a temptation to go for something extravagant or over the top with a portfolio, but they’ve opted to be sleek here. It’s minimal, it doesn’t abide by the standards you’d expect, and the colour scheme doesn’t give you much to shout home about.
It doesn’t need to, either. A product like this knows that it’s more than good enough to speak for itself with the work featured, and that’s one of the things we find so appealing about it.
2. Wine magazine

The first thing that popped into our head when taking a glance at this was “newspaper column mixed with a magazine article”. We think that was a smart way to go with the clean and modern text alongside a handful of black-and-white shots that really find their place.
Drinking wine is seen as a sophisticated act, especially when compared to other alcoholic beverages. So, then, why not try and exude class as best as you possibly can? All in all, this is a brochure example that fits the brief.
3. Veganes magazine

The aim of promoting vegan food is to make it seem like a scrumptious, healthy alternative - and that goes without saying. There are many different ways to do that, but we like the style they’ve used here by dividing up the images and the instructions perfectly to make for a solid balance.
The colour scheme, in particular, is delicate and light, precisely the sort of touch you need if you want to appeal to those who may not be too convinced. It’s clear, gets straight to the point, and doesn’t try to be too fancy.
4. Generative graphics

The use of patterns is always going to be seen as a bold move, but when you’re trying to describe generative graphics, this is exactly the kind of idea you should be running with. The colours mesh perfectly with the text, and it’s still easily readable - even if it feels a bit like a newspaper column.
It doesn’t try to go above and beyond by overloading the reader with too many different elements. They stick to the exact kind of content that their target audience wants, and they do so very professionally.
5. Magazine spread

Firstly, no, we aren’t huge fans of how part of the text becomes harder to see when extending over the photo. At the same time, this game is all about trying something different, and they’ve certainly taken a leap of faith with this spread.
The fact that it covers two pages really does add to the state of grandeur, with the superimposed ‘Strong’ standing out in a really nice way. We could’ve gone for a bit more with regard to the paragraph’s content, but overall, it’s hard to find too much wrong with it.
6. Residential life guide

From the word go, there are several things that stand out about this piece. The way in which the yellow, white and black colour combo remains consistent throughout is really pleasing to the eye, and somehow, they’re able to include images, too - and it doesn’t diminish the visuals whatsoever.
They run through an entire 10-point residential life checklist with brief descriptions, images and a unique layout. It isn’t going to be to everyone’s taste, but it’s daring, and we can always appreciate that.
7. Fashion brochure

We’ve all heard about wanting to tick creative boxes when creating a piece of content, and that’s what they’ve done brilliantly here. The fact that the models come over the top of the titles is really fun and pushes fashion to the forefront. The text is straightforward, and they’ve even included an infographic.
The best part is that they use smaller bits of text, make them bigger, and use that to draw the reader in. It’s a really simple technique, but that’s why it’s so brilliant because it immediately feels as if they’ve followed through on a predetermined vision.
8. Travel magazine

If you’re even remotely interested in travel, then you’ll probably agree that this works really, really nicely. This brochure wants to sell you on a handful of new, exciting locations, and they want to do so in a way that isn’t going to overcomplicate proceedings.
There’s a shot of the city, the title of what the city is called, and a short copy to run alongside it. What else is there? They could go on and on if they so desired, but for us, the minimalistic style is on point.
9. Food magazine

The strict dark green and blue colour scheme that they stick to here works nicely, telling a cohesive story throughout about the art of marinating your food. It may not seem like art, naturally, but the high-definition pictures certainly help bring it through to the finish line.
It’d be easy for them to pump the brakes when it comes to the actual content, but it remains detailed, well-thought-out and smooth in its delivery. Sure, some may say it’s a bit much, but there’s consistency behind it, which will always help to make it easier on the eye.
10. Magazine article

Sure, grabbing a picture off of the internet is great, but do you know what’s even better? Make something yourself that stands out. The cartoon nature of the sketch here fits nicely alongside the text, even if the spacing sometimes seems a bit off.
There are quite a few open spaces that can be unfavourable for traditionalists, but it does force your eyes back to what you’re actually reading. They’ve tried to be different, which is always a plus in our books, even if the final execution isn’t 100% on point.
11. UCSD magazine

The montage at the start of the magazine is done brilliantly, giving you the perfect visual insight into what it is you’re about to read. In addition to that, they aren’t afraid to branch out with their colour scheme, and the same goes for their overall formatting.
Different pages are set out in different ways, from the font to the layout and beyond. This could be interpreted as messy, but it’s also abstract, and we happen to enjoy the ambience.
12. Skate magazine

The text being pushed together fits in with the pop-punk kind of theme that they’re going for here, and we really enjoy the contrast between the main page and the actual content. The profile tells a story, and the skate park that we see pictured lets you know what you’re going to get at first glance.
There’s a real ‘indie’ feel to this one, and we can’t help but respect it. There’s a lack of structure which will either drive you up the wall or put a smile on your face, and the source material is strong.
13. Art & photography

Art is subjective - and that’s certainly the case when it comes to contemporary pieces. You want to send a message that lets the world know you don’t want to fit into the status quo, and while we quite enjoy that, there’s definitely a lack of substance that can be critiqued.
Then again, maybe that’s the point. Maybe we’re supposed to be taking the meaning directly from the art, which, as we’ve already noted, we can interpret ourselves. It’s subtle, but it’s also clever.
14. Art & exhibition magazine

We revert back to the good old ‘double page’ feature. What started off as a way to maximise a story has become a design technique, and in our view, it’s become a really good one.
You’re getting stripped-back information, and you’re getting it directly. As you carry on through the magazine, it leaves a sense of mystery, and we think that’s a good thing. It doesn’t have to be in your face - because instead, you can explore this brochure example for yourself.
15. Luminate

You know the kind of art that you see littered on every street corner in major cities? This is what we’re reminded of when gazing at Luminate’s work. It’s a throwback, and it’s one that feels raw and real.
It’s as if we’re looking at endless advertisements that have all been strung together to illustrate just how imaginative the company is. There’s nothing you can’t understand, and the first desire is to know more about the product. That’s how to get new fans on board.
16. Kove

Moody setting, black and white colours, and a cool, simple message. It draws you in for one simple reason: less is more. Everyone loves to shop from time to time, and even if it isn’t your favourite thing to do, this is the kind of spread that’s going to make you think twice.
The way that two-thirds are taken up by most of the information is a nice touch, too. We get a zoomed-in shot of the model on the right and something more expansive on the left, utilising landscape and portrait perfectly.
17. Naomi Osaka

Naomi Osaka is a tennis star across the globe, and a website dedicated to her ventures should represent that. It’s not as if we need endless information to illustrate and inform us about who she is — because her profile alone has already helped achieve that goal.
This is how you know that you’ve got a superstar on your hands. Osaka doesn’t have to sell herself to the masses, with her brand speaking volumes with a design layout that’s crisp and comforting.
18. Digital photography

This feels like it should have ‘Design 101’ plastered over the front of it, and we mean that in the most complimentary of ways. A stunning model, all the information you need in the title, and a few small design elements that help it feel more professional.
Some may say it’s a bit too dull, but we’d argue that it’s actually quite impressive how they’ve managed to make the whole piece feel so prestigious. It’s not going to come right out and hit you over the head; instead, it will convince you gradually and respectfully.
19. Graphic design portfolio

Three different colours represent three different ideas of what Jhonathan Doe wants this portfolio to be. Does he want it to feel dark and daring, mischievous and electric, or calming and efficient?
It really depends on which of the three you prefer, with all of them having their own positive quirks. There doesn’t need to be anything added to this particular brochure example, because what lies within it will tell the entire story.
20. Wooden furniture

The art of making great wooden furniture shouldn’t be understated. As such, when you come across examples of a great finished product, it makes sense that the central focus is going to be on the imagery.
The mission statement is simple: make us want to buy it, and explain to us as simply as you can why that’s the case. We know where it comes from, we know the time and care that’s been put into it, and there’s a broad enough range of items to get excited about.
21. Project proposal

Sometimes, you just have to be a little bit on the nose. A project proposal like this feels as if it should come straight out of a chemistry class or, better yet, a James Bond movie.
It feels very technical, it’s laid out in the appropriate manner, and it’s presented really nicely. The drops of green across the front of the proposal add to the overall appearance without a shadow of a doubt, and regardless of what’s inside, we’re intrigued to learn more based on this alone.
22. Keynote proposal

You often need striking images to get your point across in the business world, and this brochure example understands that better than most. The quotes are striking, the colour scheme is enticing, and there’s minimal information available to keep us guessing.
We also enjoy the portrait view, too. They’ve made the most of the space they have, and they aren’t trying to be too clever or controversial. It might be seen as a bit too dark for some, but there’s some real effort that’s been put in here.
23. Architecture portfolio

Architecture lives on the idea that innovation is important, and that’s the vibe we’re getting from this brochure. Obviously, the aim is to create something new that will convince you to spend your hard-earned money, and we know that.
The contents of the brochure itself matter most, but again, we have to come back to how minimalistic this appears. They leave you with just enough imagery to want to learn more, and the paragraphs are condescended to ensure they only include essential information.
24. Brilliant

We’re a sucker for a good map layout, and what Brilliant understands is how to mix things up. They stick with a strong colour scheme throughout, but they use brighter colours to convey the message that requires you to be as focused as possible.
The old-school images mesh together nicely with the modern approach of looking at things from a variety of different timezones, and the plastering of the website URL in the bottom corner is a simple, sophisticated way of drawing more traffic. Bravo.
Final Thoughts
We’ve only scratched the surface of the breadth of amazing product brochure designs that exist out there. Each brand, each product has its own story to tell, and sometimes it’s hard to put your finger on what designs are needed to meet the needs of your product. And especially if you want your product brochure designs to convert!
That’s where we can help. Our team at Hatchly can act as an extension of your in-house marketing team, providing top-tier designs for a much more affordable price. With our unlimited, on-demand design model, you’re sure to get exactly what you need: High-quality designs whenever you need them. Want to learn more? Drop us a line, and we’ll be more than happy to discuss how we can help.